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MK1 The Ring-Bearer™ Yo-Yo - Bi-Metal - 7075 Aluminum Yo-Yo with Stainless Steel Rims

$ 99.99 

from MK1 yoyos

The Ring-Bearer is a mythical yoyo from Mk1 Yoyos and The Lord of the Rings. Designed for unresponsive play, the Ring-Bearer is a perfect companion for your adventures. The Ring-Bearer yoyo comes with one yo-yo string, a colorway guide, and a custom-designed box modeled after a Hobbit hole.

This is an advanced yoyo for professional play. It is designed to "sleep" at the bottom of the string for an extended period of time. In order to return it to your hand, you will need to learn a yoyo trick called the "bind return".

*The One Ring™ unlimited edition is modeled after The One Ring™, and inscribed on each weight ring with the ring-inscription. This unlimited run of the One Ring has the inscription from the Doors of Durin in the cup. "Speak, friend, and enter." Will you be corrupted by its power?

*The One Ring™ serialized edition is modeled after The One Ring™, and inscribed on each weight ring with the ring-inscription. Only 111 were made in this initial version - each yoyo is laser engraved with a number from 001 through 111. Will you be corrupted by its power?

*UNseen - Collab with Unknown edition is a collaboration with Unknown and features unique cup artwork and a secret message engraved on the rims.

Material: 7075 aluminum alloy body with stainless steel weight rings
Weight: 64.1g
Width: 46.3mm width
Diameter: 55.9mm
Bearing: Size C
Response Pads: 19mm
Axle: M4 x 8mm
Bind-return required

The Lord of the Rings™ and the characters, items, events, and places therein are trademarks of Middle-Earth Enterprises, LLC used under license by Mk1 Yoyos LLC. All rights reserved.