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yoyofriends Strand Yo-Yo - Bi-Material YoYo - PC Body with Aluminum Caps

$ 54.00 

from yoyofriends

Our solution to a yoyo that have both competition and fingerspin capabilities. Strand features a PC body and a large rim heavy aluminum cap. Making the yoyo rim weighted and wide. Strand also features a steep aluminum wall incline into a
deep fingerspin hub for ease of landing and locking in fingerspin. Weather it's on stage in competition or showing off your fingerspin tricks like the DNA, Strand has it all.

Strand Specs
Material: PC Body with 6061 Aluminum Caps
Weight: 66.2 g
Diameter: 55.70mm
Width: 49.06mm
Gap: 4.54mm
Bearing: Concave
Axle: M4*10mm