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yoyofriends Somersault Yo-Yo - Delrin "POM" Off String YoYo

$ 55.00 

Introducing yoyofriends first-ever 4A yoyo: Somersault!

from yoyofriends

Design directed by Tony Sung and designed by the yoyofriends team. The Somersault is yoyofriends debut entry into the 4A scene. As modern 4A yoyos evolve with wider profiles and middle inner rim-focused weight distribution to
boost the chances of landing banger tricks, regens, and precise tech; the Somersault follows suit - but also
guarantees on great durability and bounciness. With a design inspired by competition-grade 1A models, the Somersault delivers smoothness and control, making grind tricks can be done effortlessly. After three prototypes, we have perfected the bearing gap width to work seamlessly with thick strings, so whip combos feel easy.

Ready to level up your off string game? Grab your yoyofriends Somersault now and elevate your 4a skills tothe top tier level!

Material: POM w 6061hub w stainless spacer
Bearing: Flat
Axle: M4*14mm