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AroundSquare Mini Wearable Deadeye Contact Coin-MINI - Pendant Version of a Manipulation, Worry Stone - YoYoSam
AroundSquare Mini Wearable Deadeye Contact Coin-MINI - Pendant Version of a Manipulation, Worry Stone - YoYoSam
AroundSquare Mini Wearable Deadeye Contact Coin-MINI - Pendant Version of a Manipulation, Worry Stone - YoYoSam

AroundSquare Mini Wearable Deadeye Contact Coin-MINI - Pendant Version of a Manipulation, Worry Stone

$ 40.00 
Deadeye Wearables

The Deadeye wearables are a pendant version of the Deadeye contact coins. These feature a small hole in the centre, allowing them to be strung up and worn around the neck, from the belt loop, attached to a keyring etc. They feature the same shape and size as the original Deadeye coins, and play just as well. The wearables ship with an ample cut of black waxed braided cotton cord—our recommended product for stringing them up.

On the surface, the Deadeyes look like just a refined worry stone made from metal, and they certainly serve well for that. They are precisely crafted and beautifully finished, with an ergonomic indent on either side that is perfect for thumbs of any size.

The concave shape and resulting ridge around the perimeter make the Deadeyes perfect for contact-style manipulation. With practice, the coins can be made to roll fluidly between the fingers, or back and forth over the thumbs, and isolations can be performed where the coins appear to be floating around the fingertips.

Titanium models are available in mirror polished or sandblasted.
Diameter: 33mm

*NOTE: On the sand blasted models, there are apparent machining lines. These are visible upon inspection, but only slightly perceptible to the touch (if at all). These ridges do not detract from the play, but they will be noticeable upon inspection. If you are looking for something that is completely free of blemishes, then the mirror polished pieces have you covered.

All Deadeyes are packaged in a box only at this time. Future releases may add additional packaging elements, different finishes, and laser etching.