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Zeekio Silicone Response Pads for yoyo Zeekio yo-yo's. We offer a Large Broad pad and a Large Slim pad. Please use the following lists to determine your yoyo Zeekio replacement pad:
Large Broad:
- Continuum
- Quasar
- Zenith
Large Slim:
- Aftermath
- Aftermath-Apocalypse
- Anarchist
- Apollo
- Apollo
- Apollo II
- Bern
- Core
- Core ShyGuy
- Flare
- Flare Ultra
- Golem
- Lunar Wind
- Prism
- Prism2
- Rush
- Saturn H
- Saturn V
- Space Monkey
- Spectre
- Splash
- Tempest
- Vapor
- Volt
Note:Â Â All silicone response pads come in a set of 2 pads.
           If you need further assistance please contact us.
           If you need Little Evil or Little Evil 2 pads please go HERE.