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Trompos Space SL Spin Top Neptuno Roller - Bearing Tip SpinTop - YoYoSam
Trompos Space SL Spin Top Neptuno Roller - Bearing Tip SpinTop - YoYoSam
Trompos Space SL Spin Top Neptuno Roller - Bearing Tip SpinTop - YoYoSam

Trompos Space SL Spin Top Neptuno Roller - Bearing Tip SpinTop

$ 39.99 
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When it comes to performance and style, the Neptuno Roller is the top of line. It features a stainless steel tip, double bearing, O-ring seal between the top and body, and metallic reflective finish that really looks sharp in action.

Flashy, tough, well designed, and unparalleled performance; everything you coyuld ask for in a spin top.

Like all Trompos Space spin tops, the Neptuno is designed in collaboration with International Spin top Champions. From the spin top masters at Trompos Space of Spain.