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W1LD (Worldwide 1nnovative Leading Design) Adrenaline Yo-Yo - Tri-Material - Blaise Becker Signature YoYo

$ 134.99 

from W1LD

Introducing the @blaise_becker signature Adrenaline officially, our latest triple-material model for competition.

Blaise asked for a triple material signature for competition and left the design steering wheel to us!

We combined the aspect ratio of Wilderness with the structure of Wild-trio. While reducing the diameter, we have increased the proportion of stainless steel rim which accounts for two-thirds of the overall weight.

When designing today's popular 50mm wide yo-yo, the diameter to width ratio should be of the highest priority. Adrenaline's "Small but Wide"feature gives it an advantage not only in competition, but also a unique feeling for casual yoyoing and trick creation. Welcome to W1LD booth to experience the fun and charm of Adrenaline!

Compared to the pre-released version, we added 0.3g of weight to the SS rim in production version, which makes it more powerful and stable for competition.

Diameter: 55mm
Width: 50mm
Weight: 65.9g
Material: 6061AL+PC+SS